Credit: Nadin Gainova

Your Guide to the upcoming Astrological dates this month • Reading Time: 4-5 mins

Featuring: no less than 2 Full Moons in Aquarius (a super full moon indeed) and then a Blue Moon in Pisces, we celebrate the cross-quarter festivals of Lammas and Imbolc, before a New Moon in Leo closely hugging Book Lovers Day. We will enter Virgo season together whilst Mercury retrogrades in the virgin sign.

We draw inspiration from the stars for you, bringing a soft conversation each month about what the cosmos may have aligned for you and the collective. If the concepts resonate, delve a little more into it; if our words bounce back and sound too etheral, let them go Beautiful Seeker (no offence to us!).

Our overview this month is inspired by exceptional sky-readers, primarily our very own Founder Britta and her channelled Celestial Journal, and by the divine Cafe Astrology.

August 1, 2023: Full Moon in Aquarius { Super Moon }

“This quirky air sign craves freedom from stereotypes and assumptions. It's a radical energy interested in finding the edge and flying right past it.
The Aquarius full moon is an astrological opportunity to ponder our impact on the world around us, figure out what needs to change in our lives, and release whatever might be holding us back. AstroSeek warns that this may be easier said than done because our connection to our innermost feelings can be convoluted during this time. An Aquarius full moon has a tendency to turn our relationship to our emotions into a labyrinth in desperate need of solving.” extract from St Soleil Celestial Journal.

The first full moon of August 2023 is a supermoon. A supermoon occurs when the moon falls within 90% of its closest orbital point to Earth (aka perigee). This basically just means that the moon looks a bit bigger, especially when near the horizon because its orbit is elliptical. This is a great time for staring up at the sky and contemplating the boundless universe, which makes perfect sense for a full moon in Aquarius.

Aquarius Tarot Card: The Star
Full Moon Tarot Spread: join us on Instagram for a full guided tarot spread ->

August 1 and 2, 2023: Lammas and Imbolc
Cross Quarter Festivals

Northern Hemisphere: Lammas

Also referred to as Lughnasadh, or the great festival of Lugh, the Celtic Sun King and God of Light. Lammas is the first of the three Fall harvest festivals and is a time of transition, change and shifts when we begin slowing down in preparation for fall reflection.
In the Southern Hemisphere, the last hurrah of the Sun’s energies begins in fiery Leo, as the abundance of growth receives the energy of daylight to complete its cycle of fruition.

{Tip: head over to Page 35 of your Celestial Journal for Ritual guidance!}

Southern Hemisphere: Imbolc

Hundreds of years ago, when our ancestors relied upon the Sun as their only source of light, the end of winter was met with much celebration. On this evening, when the sun has set once more, call it back by lighting the five candles of this ritual...

Imbolc is the cross-quarter sabbat marking the midpoint between Yule (Winter Solstice) and Ostara (Spring Equinox). A fire festival to celebrate the blessings of hearth and home. Imbolc reminds us that the sun is getting a little brighter, the Earth a little warmer, and we know that life is quickening within the soil.

Imbolc is a time of magical energy related to the feminine aspect of the goddess, of new beginnings, and of fire. It’s also a good time to focus on divination and increasing your own magical gifts and abilities. Take advantage of these concepts, and plan your workings accordingly…

{tip: you will also find our special tarot spreads for these cosmic events on our Instagram account,
or subscribe to our Newsletter at the bottom of this page}


August 9, 2023: Book Lovers Day

Ink to paper, journals, memoires, grimoires, spells, recipes, and otherworldly magickal secrets, books are the ultimate embodiment of a transmission of energy, knowledge and stories.

We sit with the feeling of wholesome gratitude for those whose thoughts are transcribed and survive throughout centuries, transcending time whilst the endless cycle of humanity repeats, experiences and returns to the very simplicity of our ancestors’ ways. What a beautiful serendipity when we realise that knowledge has been held, preciously, all along,... it runs through our veins like our inks in our pens, rivers of words running through the roots of our brain-trees…

An invitation, dear one, to sit with your favourite book today, and savour it with all your senses - or why not share it with a cherished loved one?


Credit: Emma Smart


August 16, 2023: New Moon in Leo  

“The New Moon in Leo is an excellent time for formulating goals regarding “all things Leo.” For example, we might concentrate on new ways to enhance our romantic life, creative endeavors and hobbies, and relationship with children, as well as build our self-confidence and healthy pride in ourselves. Some of Leo’s lessons involve taking pride in ourselves as unique individuals, assuming responsibility for our lives, and giving ourselves warmly and generously to others.” St Soleil Celestial Journal.

Meditate on the fiery qualities of Leo that you, unique beautiful human creation, embody: self-expressive, proud, noble, generous, hospitable, caring, warm, authoritative, active, and open — are traits that we might enhance, develop, and incorporate into our personalities under these dark skies.  

Leo Tarot Card: Strength


August 23, 2023: Entering Virgo Season

“We crave organization and order, and are quickly disturbed by anything standing in the way of these things. This is a good time for chores, organizing, and tidying. It’s also a time for scheduling health appointments and checkups, starting new routines, and generally tending to details.” St Soleil Celestial Journal.

Perfection comes in the form of Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac. This hardworking, detail-oriented, and critical sign is represented by the Virgin for its pure and discriminating nature. Observant Virgo is quick to notice flaws and fix them, helping others reach their highest potential. Confront your fears, seek support and offer it where you can!

Virgo Tarot Card: The Hermit

Credit: Leonie Sinden-David @SindenStudio


August 24 to September 15, 2023: Mercury Retrogrades in Virgo

Mercury retrograde is a time for channeling mental energy inward, reflecting, re-assessing, and rethinking whatever it is we've been focused on over the past few months. When Mercury is in retrograde, our communication will be challenged. Watch out for misunderstandings, miscommunications and any unnecessary arguments that may arise.” St Soleil Celestial Journal.

Annie at Cafe Astrology enlightens us further: with retrograde Mercury in Virgo, we might look at past decisions and ideas from a new, possibly enlightened perspective, although we may be especially analytical and critical, perhaps to excess. We tend to return to past projects and refine or tweak them. This is a good time for reviewing recent work, as long as we don’t get caught in a loop of perfectionism. We might discover new ways of doing work that has become routine, or we might consider renewing old self-care, health, or fitness programs. Plans may be considered then reconsidered. We are in a good position to reevaluate our routines and habits, and we might give more thought to the meaning of our work or services.

August 30, 2023: Full SuperMoon in Pisces { Blue Moon }

Emotional sensitivity is high. In personal relationships your ability to be present with your feelings and your empathy make your interactions more meaningful.” extract from St Soleil Celestial Journal.

The last sign in the zodiac, Pisces strengthens the full moon's already powerful sense of closure and/or building up to something. With Virgo as its opposite, the Pisces full moon will also allow you to be more attuned to the balance between anarchy and structure. Use the increased intuition of Pisces to unpack the ways in which you regulate your life.

Esoteric Astrologer Ron Thurlow, Ph.D., of Meditation Mount upholds a Pisces full moon as a time of enlightenment, describing this lunar transit as one with increased access to a higher consciousness.
Are you setting too many rules for yourself? This is a time to take a look at what you can and cannot control, somehow still take a deep calming breath, and admire the supermoon.


May you have a bright August wrapped in its double full moon crown…

Words by Laurie Foulon.

From the ripples of the moon, Laurie lives with the tides of this life in water-like motion. Ebbing and flowing, her Cancer Zodiac nature fills her with the rhythm of emotions, and she dances through their swaying branches to find inspiration guided by intuition.

Carer for the heart of humanity, our blue planet and its myriad of life forms, Laurie finds creativity in the everyday unfolding of events around us... and plays with weaving them into words that can be worn like precious pearl necklaces around our necks.

Born a woman in the South of France (an auspicious alignment with St Soleil), she has travelled inwards and outwards, throughout the world, and has for now anchored her roots in Australia. Her yin qualities embrace femininity, and she sure is one to "Live by the Sun, Dream by the Moon".



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