Credit: Nadin Gainova

Your Guide to the upcoming Astrological dates this month • Reading Time: 4-5 mins

Featuring: a new turn in the wheel of the year as we walk towards Spring and Autumn, to later celebrate our equinoxes with Ostara and Mabon • Venus and Mercury out of Retrograde • New moon in Virgo and Full moon in Aries • Virgo season transitions to Libra • and two beautiful days honouring Literacy and World Peace!

Our theme this month
*new!* I harvest the glory of my inner summer
Whether you are located in the Northern or Southern hemisphere, as we harvest the fire of Leo season we invite a reverence to the sun that ignites you from within.

We draw inspiration from the stars for you, bringing a soft conversation each month about what the cosmos may have aligned for you and the collective. If the concepts resonate, delve a little more into it; if our words bounce back and sound too etheral, let them go Beautiful Seeker (no offence to us!).

Our overview this month is inspired by exceptional sky-readers, primarily our very own Founder Britta and her channelled Celestial Journal, and by the divine Cafe Astrology.


Sept 1, 2023: First Day of Spring {SH}

“Trust the natural flow of your inner seasons and don’t push yourself to bloom all year round.” - Rebecca Campbell in Rise Sister Rise.

The time has come for you, Southern Hemisphere buds, to unveil your petals of winter wisdom to the warming sun!
How will you unfold from the introspective months?
In a few weeks {on Sept 21}, the Spring Equinox aka Ostara will invite you for a celebration. See below for some suggested rituals and practices...

Sept 3, 2023: Fathers Day {AU} + Venus Rx in Leo ends

In Tarot, the Father is embodied in the Emperor: the representative of structure and authority. He commands the four corners of the world his beautiful wife (The Empress) has brought into being. Throughout its journey, The Fool also encounters rules. These restrictions can be frustrating, but, through the patient direction of the Father, the Fool begins to understand their purpose.

The Father Figure / Divine Masculine in Tarot: The Emperor

In the skies, Venus exits her Retrograde in Leo (which she entered in July) and stations direct again - this was a perfect time for our realignment, a mid-year check-in. Read our July Update for reflection prompts!

Sept 4, 2023: Labor Day {US/CA}

If we tie back our society's 'common' bank holidays to tarot wisdom, ew acquire an ability to weave different dimensions together.
In the 10th Century US and Canada, it was not allowed to wear white after Labor Day: according to CNN, "w
hite was tied to summer vacations – a privilege only few could afford. Labor Day represented the “reentry” into city life and the retirement of white summer clothes after a summer of leisure for the upper classes".
In Tarot, The Suit of Pentacles represents work, career, material possessions, and finances. It appears in readings as a response to career, wealth and world pursuits. The pentacles are associated with the element of Earth - it’s a feminine energy that symbolises physical tangibility, grounding, stability, support and fertility (extract from our Lucid Dreams tarot Guidebook).

Sept 8, 2023: International Literacy Day

Celebrated since 1967, this beautiful event reminds us of the importance of education - verbal, as most first nations transmit their knowledge as primary guardians of our Mother Earth, but also written through the books, grimoires, memoires as the ultimate embodiment of a transmission of energy, knowledge and stories.
Visit our Literacy Collection for a cosmically curated collection of books, poems and self-empowerment wisdom, and tune in to our Instagram channel where we will feature some of our favourite pieces and authors!

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Sept 11, 2023: Mercury Retrograde ends,
New Moon in Virgo

“The New Moon in Virgo is an excellent time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Virgin. We’re ready to make something special of our work, routines, or tasks. It’s a powerful time to transform our jobs, health, selfcare programs, and habits. We’re filled with innovative, inventive, and unusual ideas. However, it’s an impulsive time and perhaps an unclear period (Virgo’s ruler, Mercury, is retrograde, and the New Moon is opposite Neptune), and it’s important not to jump into something too quickly.” St Soleil Celestial Journal.

We’d do well to concentrate on new ways to get our day-to-day life organized... but take slow action. We might think about the keywords for this particular and earthy sign — such things as analytical, intelligent, reserved, critical, helpful, conscientious — and consider ways to enhance, develop, or incorporate these traits into our personalities.

Virgo Tarot Card: The Hermit
New Moon Tarot Spread: join us on Instagram for a full guided tarot spread ->

Credit: Mariam Antadze


Sept 21, 2023: Ostara and Mabon Celebrations
Equinox Festivals

Northern Hemisphere: Mabon {and first day of Autumn}
We bow to the middle of harvest, equal day and equal night - an auspicious moment for ritual. This is your time to prepare for a (more) introverted season... Read more here for suggested prayers!

Southern Hemisphere: Ostara {Spring}
Spring, a time for child-like wonderment. A beautiful time to celebrate renewal, fertility and new life!

{Tip: head over to Page 32 & 36 of your Celestial Journal for Ritual guidance!
ou will also find our special tarot spreads for these cosmic events on our Instagram account,
or subscribe to our Newsletter at the bottom of this page}


Sept 21, 2023: International Day of Peace

Just before we enter Libra Season, syncronicity invites us to reflect on the beautiful and deep theme of Peace...

We pull from Tarot wisdom weaved with Astrological Symbolism: the Justice card may well be our perfect embodiment here! Like the zodiac sign Libra, the scales of justice are depicted in its symbolism. A reminder to bring about qualities of honesty, fairness, to also maintain balance (while we change seasons, an inner and outer event!), and ensure equality in all matters.

To reinforce assistance, bring about the Star: a card that brings a sense of peace and renewal, indicating the worst is over and that things are looking up. The Star represents a period of healing and recovery, a time to release old wounds and move forward with clarity and optimism.

Reflect: how is your sense of Inner Peace at the moment?


Credit: St Soleil Lucid Dreams Tarot, Ed IV

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September 23, 2023: Entering Libra Season  

“TThe Sun enters Libra and favors all collective activities. It has a very social influence that encourages encounters, f riendly exchanges, diplomacy and feelings. It is a climate that encourages associations, including marriages, signing contracts, taking steps forward; but also a certain superficiality, indecision and difficulties for some in taking initiative or responsibility....” St Soleil Celestial Journal.

The peaceful Scales are on a journey of balance. Gracious, fair, and balanced are some Libra qualities you can intend to embody this season: among the most social and popular energies of the zodiac! Ruled by Venus, Libra is a loving sign that focuses strongly on partnership and priorities the needs of others.

Libra Tarot Cards: Justice, Temperance, The Lovers

Sept 29, 2023: Full Moon in Aries
{Harvest Moon}

“You will likely notice the nature of your relationships improving from your thoughtful attempts at fairness and compromise. Continue to be thoughtful & clear about your own expectations moving into the waning moon.” extract from St Soleil Celestial Journal.

Not beholden to the same month every year, this full moon was named for the farmers whose summer crop yields benefited from its radiant lunar light (via Almanac). In astrology, the full moon in Aries is associated with heightened emotional reflexes and risk-taking, says Tarot.
Focus on the balance between Aries and Libra. Libra strives for common ground, while Aries has a tendency to be self ish or impulsive. It's important to prioritize yourself as the Aries transit stimulates, but during the 2023 Harvest Moon, be sure to take the time to consider how your personal desires extend out into the world around you.

Embrace this time of vitality, act with care, and enjoy a period of balanced freedom.
Full Moon Tarot Spread: join us on Instagram for a full guided tarot spread ->

May you transit September in all it has to offer...

Receive our Astrological Wisdom and Tarot Guidance in your inbox before the start of each month:

Words by Laurie Foulon.

From the ripples of the moon, Laurie lives with the tides of this life in water-like motion. Ebbing and flowing, her Cancer Zodiac nature fills her with the rhythm of emotions, and she dances through their swaying branches to find inspiration guided by intuition.

Carer for the heart of humanity, our blue planet and its myriad of life forms, Laurie finds creativity in the everyday unfolding of events around us... and plays with weaving them into words that can be worn like precious pearl necklaces around our necks.

Born a woman in the South of France (an auspicious alignment with St Soleil), she has travelled inwards and outwards, throughout the world, and has for now anchored her roots in Australia. Her yin qualities embrace femininity, and she sure is one to "Live by the Sun, Dream by the Moon".



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