The Major Arcana: The Fools Journey

This may contain: a painting of a woman with a crescent on her head

The Major Arcana: A Journey Through the Tarot's Soulful Wisdom

The Major Arcana, consisting of 22 cards, is the heart of the tarot deck and represents the journey of the soul through life’s pivotal experiences and transformative moments. Unlike the Minor Arcana, which deals with everyday events, the Major Arcana encompasses deep spiritual themes and life-changing experiences. These cards illustrate a narrative known as "The Fool's Journey," in which the Fool embarks on a path of enlightenment, encountering different archetypes along the way that offer lessons and wisdom.

In this blog post, we will dive into each Major Arcana card, exploring its meaning and the insights it offers when it appears in a tarot reading.

Working with the Major Arcana in Tarot Readings

The journey through the Major Arcana is one of transformation and enlightenment, guiding us from the Fool’s first step to the World’s dance of completion. These cards serve as mirrors to our inner landscapes, reflecting the spiritual lessons and growth that shape our lives. Each card carries its own unique wisdom, inviting you to explore the depths of your soul and embrace the beauty of your path.

May these insights and affirmations guide you in your readings, offering clarity and inspiration as you navigate the tapestry of life.


0. The Fool

The Adventurer’s Leap

The Fool steps onto the path with nothing but a dream in his heart and a glimmer of wonder in his eyes. He is the wanderer, the child of the universe, embracing the beauty of not knowing what lies beyond the horizon. This card captures that first breath of adventure, the joy of surrendering to life's unpredictability. It’s the wind at your back, the open road calling you forward, and the magic that exists when you say “yes” to the unknown. The Fool invites you to release the fear of falling, to trust that the world is filled with opportunities waiting to be discovered. With every step, you create your path, fueled by a boundless faith in life’s unfolding magic.

Upright: New beginnings, innocence, wonder, spontaneity, and freedom. Embrace the thrill of stepping into the great unknown and let the excitement of discovery guide your way.

Reversed: Fear of change, hesitation, or feeling unprepared. The road may seem daunting, but trust that the first step is the beginning of your transformation.

Affirmation: “I leap forward with an open heart, trusting in the magic of each unfolding moment.”

I. The Magician

The Alchemist’s Power

The Magician stands at the crossroads of heaven and earth, a master of both the seen and unseen. He is the bridge through which the divine flows into the material world, wielding the elements to bring dreams to life. The Magician’s power is not in mere tricks but in the art of transforming intention into reality, turning visions into gold. As he raises his wand to the sky, he reminds you that you are not a mere spectator in this world but a creator, capable of weaving your desires into existence. With your heart as your compass and your mind as your tool, you can conjure miracles from thin air. The Magician beckons you to claim your power, harness your talents, and manifest the magic that lives within you.

Upright: Manifestation, skill, creativity, inspired action, and alignment. You have all the resources you need to bring your vision to life—use them with purpose and intention.

Reversed: Misdirection, blocked creativity, or untapped potential. There may be distractions pulling you away from your true path—recenter and reclaim your power.

Affirmation: “I am a vessel of divine energy, and I manifest my desires with focused intention and grace.”

II. The High Priestess

The Keeper of Mysteries

Beneath the veil, where moonlight kisses the edges of shadow and light, sits the High Priestess, guardian of sacred truths and mysteries untold. She is the voice of intuition that whispers in the quiet stillness of your soul, the dream that reveals deeper truths, the knowing that lies beyond words. With the crescent moon at her feet and a thousand stars in her gaze, she invites you to dive beneath the surface, to trust in the wisdom that lives in your depths. The High Priestess holds the keys to inner knowledge, guiding you to look within for the answers that the outer world cannot provide. Her realm is one of dreams, symbols, and subtle signs, and she teaches that the unseen is as real as the seen.

Upright: Intuition, inner wisdom, spiritual insight, mystery, and the subconscious. Let the voice of your inner knowing guide you, for it speaks the language of your soul.

Reversed: Ignoring your intuition, secrets withheld, disconnect from your deeper self. Return to the quiet places within and listen to the whispers of your soul.

Affirmation: “I trust the quiet voice within, for it holds the sacred wisdom of the universe.”

III. The Empress

The Nurturer of Creation

The Empress breathes life into everything she touches, her presence as soft as the petals of a rose, yet as fierce as the currents of the river. She is the embodiment of the Earth herself—fertile, abundant, and nurturing. Her laughter is the song of the meadow, her embrace the comfort of a warm summer day. The Empress teaches the sacred art of tending to what you wish to grow, of pouring your love and energy into your creations until they bloom. She invites you to revel in the pleasures of the senses, to find joy in the simple beauty of life, and to honor the cycles of growth, decay, and rebirth. Let her remind you that abundance flows freely when you nurture yourself and those around you with compassion and grace.

Upright: Abundance, nurturing, creativity, sensuality, and the beauty of nature. Connect with the Earth’s rhythms, and allow your own cycles of creation and rest to guide you.

Reversed: Neglect of self-care, creative blocks, feeling disconnected from nature. Reconnect with your body and the world around you, and let yourself be nourished by the simple things.

Affirmation: “I am the artist of my life, nurturing my dreams and letting them flourish under the light of love.”

IV. The Emperor

The Protector of Order

The Emperor’s presence is as solid as the mountains, his gaze as steady as the rising sun. He is the builder, the guardian, the father who stands watch over the kingdom. The Emperor embodies structure, stability, and the power that comes from setting firm boundaries. He teaches the art of taking responsibility, of ruling with wisdom, and of building a foundation that will stand the test of time. He reminds you that true leadership is not about control, but about creating a space where others can grow and thrive. The Emperor calls you to step into your own authority, to harness your inner strength, and to bring order to the chaos around you.

Upright: Authority, leadership, discipline, stability, and protection. Take charge of your life, establish boundaries, and build a strong foundation for your future.

Reversed: Overbearing, rigid, or feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities. Find balance between strength and flexibility, and remember that true power is rooted in love and respect.

Affirmation: “I stand strong in my truth, and I lead with wisdom and grace.”

V. The Hierophant

The Teacher of Sacred Traditions

The Hierophant stands as a bridge between the divine and the mundane, his voice echoing with the wisdom of ancient teachings. He is the keeper of rituals and sacred knowledge, guiding those who seek to understand the mysteries of life. The Hierophant teaches that there is value in tradition, that there are times when the wisdom of the past can light the path ahead. He invites you to find meaning in the sacred and to explore the spiritual practices that resonate with your soul. The Hierophant reminds you that the journey to enlightenment is one of devotion, not dogma, and that true learning comes from the heart as much as the mind.

Upright: Spiritual guidance, tradition, community, mentorship, and sacred practices. Seek wisdom in the teachings of the past, and allow them to guide you in your spiritual journey.

Reversed: Questioning tradition, spiritual confusion, or breaking away from established norms. It may be time to forge your own path and seek answers beyond the conventional.

Affirmation: “I honor the wisdom of those who came before, and I walk my own path with an open heart.”

VI. The Lovers

The Sacred Union

The Lovers stand together, hand in hand, embodying the beauty of connection and the power of choice. This card is not only about romantic love, but about the divine dance of opposites, the harmony that emerges when two become one. The Lovers invite you to consider where love and unity exist in your life, where you are called to bring balance and understanding. It is a reminder that true love begins within, and that the connections you seek in the outer world are reflections of the love you hold for yourself. The Lovers call you to make choices that resonate with your highest truth, to embrace vulnerability, and to open your heart to the infinite ways love manifests.

Upright: Love, harmony, choices, unity, and meaningful connections. Embrace the beauty of love in all its forms, and make choices that reflect your deepest values.

Reversed: Disharmony, conflict, difficult choices, or imbalance. Take time to heal and find alignment within yourself, and let that inner balance guide your relationships.

Affirmation: “I open my heart to love and choose connection, harmony, and truth in all that I do.”

VII. The Chariot

The Will to Victory

The Chariot charges forward, driven by sheer determination and guided by the stars above. It is the embodiment of willpower and the force that carries you towards your destiny. The Chariot teaches that the path to victory is not without challenges, but that true strength lies in the courage to keep moving forward. With each step, you gather momentum, overcoming obstacles with grace and tenacity. The Chariot invites you to take the reins of your life, to focus your energy, and to steer your course with confidence. It is a reminder that the journey is just as important as the destination, and that you are always in the process of becoming.

Upright: Determination, momentum, victory, control, and self-discipline. Harness your inner strength and let your resolve guide you to success.

Reversed: Loss of direction, inner conflict, or scattered energy. Pause, regroup, and realign with your goals before moving forward.

Affirmation: “I move forward with purpose, and I trust in the power of my will to guide me.”

VIII. Strength

The Grace of Courage

Strength is not about brute force but the quiet power that lies in gentleness and compassion. The lion at the woman’s side is tamed not through dominance but through love and patience, embodying the harmony between strength and softness. This card calls you to find your inner calm amid life’s challenges, to trust that true courage lies in embracing your vulnerability. Strength teaches that the greatest battles are often fought within, and it is in facing these struggles with an open heart that true power is found. As you connect with the wellspring of inner resilience, remember that grace and courage walk hand in hand.

Upright: Courage, resilience, compassion, inner strength, and self-control. Approach challenges with patience, and let love guide your path to healing.

Reversed: Self-doubt, fear, overwhelm, or lack of confidence. Reconnect with your inner courage and remember that strength is found in the gentleness of your spirit.

Affirmation: “I embody the quiet power of love and face my fears with courage and grace.”

IX. The Hermit

The Seeker’s Solitude

The Hermit stands alone atop the mountain, his lantern glowing softly in the dark. He is the seeker, the one who turns inward to find the light within. This card invites you to embrace moments of solitude, to seek the wisdom that lies in silence and stillness. The Hermit teaches that the answers you seek are not always found in the outer world but within your own soul. In the quiet, you can hear the whispers of your deepest truths and gain the clarity needed to illuminate your path. The Hermit calls you to retreat, reflect, and reconnect with the guiding light of your spirit.

Upright: Introspection, solitude, spiritual guidance, inner reflection, and soul-searching. Take time for quiet contemplation, and let the wisdom of your soul reveal the answers you seek.

Reversed: Isolation, loneliness, refusal to look inward, or avoiding self-reflection. Reconnect with your inner light, and trust that even in darkness, there is clarity to be found.

Affirmation: “I seek the light within, and I find my truth in the quiet places of my soul.”

X. Wheel of Fortune

The Cycles of Fate

The Wheel of Fortune spins endlessly, weaving the threads of destiny and chance. It is the ever-turning cycle of life, where moments of fortune and misfortune flow like the seasons. This card reminds you that change is inevitable, and the wheel’s turning is a natural part of life’s rhythm. The Wheel of Fortune calls you to embrace the flow, to surrender to the ups and downs with grace and faith. Whether the wheel is turning in your favor or bringing challenges, know that every shift brings with it an opportunity for growth and transformation. It is in the acceptance of life’s cycles that true wisdom is found.

Upright: Change, cycles, luck, destiny, and a turning point. Trust in the unfolding of your path, and embrace the lessons that each phase brings.

Reversed: Resistance to change, bad luck, or feeling stuck. Release your grip, and allow the wheel to turn once more—change is the nature of life.

Affirmation: “I flow with the cycles of life, trusting in the wisdom of the ever-turning wheel.”

XI. Justice

The Sword of Truth

Justice stands as a guardian of truth, her scales balanced, her sword sharp and steady. She embodies the law of cause and effect, reminding you that every action has consequences. This card calls you to seek fairness and integrity, to weigh your choices carefully and take responsibility for your decisions. Justice teaches that while life is not always fair, the truth will always find its way to the light. She asks you to align your actions with your highest values and to trust in the natural order that brings harmony and balance. Let Justice guide you to find the truth within yourself and the world around you.

Upright: Fairness, truth, responsibility, integrity, and balance. Seek justice in your actions, and let your heart be guided by the principles of truth and fairness.

Reversed: Injustice, dishonesty, imbalance, or refusal to take responsibility. Restore harmony by addressing the truth, and bring light to any shadows that obscure it.

Affirmation: “I act with integrity, guided by truth, and I embrace the balance that justice brings.”

XII. The Hanged Man

The Surrender of the Soul

The Hanged Man hangs suspended between worlds, neither here nor there, existing in a state of surrender. He teaches the art of letting go, of releasing the need for control, and finding freedom in acceptance. This card invites you to shift your perspective, to see things from a different angle, and to allow yourself to pause before moving forward. The Hanged Man knows that sometimes growth comes not from action, but from stillness, and that by letting go, you create space for new insights to emerge. Surrender to the flow of life, and let the world reveal itself anew.

Upright: Surrender, letting go, new perspectives, inner reflection, and stillness. Embrace the pause, and trust that the answers you seek will emerge in time.

Reversed: Resistance, stagnation, or fear of letting go. Release your grip, and trust in the transformative power of surrender.

Affirmation: “I surrender to the flow of life, and I find clarity in moments of stillness.”

XIII. Death

The Dance of Transformation

Death is not an ending, but a profound transformation, a dance of release and rebirth. This card marks the shedding of old skins, the letting go of what no longer serves, and the opening of a new chapter. Death invites you to embrace the cycles of life, to trust that in every ending there is a new beginning. It is a reminder that transformation often requires the courage to face the unknown, to step through the doorway and leave the past behind. Let the energy of Death guide you in releasing what is ready to be let go, and welcome the rebirth that follows.

Upright: Transformation, endings, new beginnings, letting go, and renewal. Embrace change as a natural part of life, and allow yourself to be reborn anew.

Reversed: Resistance to change, fear of endings, or clinging to the past. Let go, and trust in the power of transformation to bring about growth.

Affirmation: “I release the old and welcome the new, trusting in the dance of transformation.”

XIV. Temperance

The Alchemy of Harmony

Temperance blends the waters of heaven and earth, creating a harmonious flow where opposites meet and find balance. She is the alchemist who transforms chaos into order, showing you the path to inner peace and healing. This card calls you to seek moderation, to bring harmony to your life by blending the physical with the spiritual, the active with the passive. Temperance teaches that true balance is not about rigidity, but about flowing gracefully between the extremes. Let her remind you that in the art of blending and integrating, the magic of alchemy comes to life.

Upright: Balance, harmony, moderation, healing, and patience. Find the middle path, and let the waters of your soul flow in perfect union.

Reversed: Imbalance, excess, or lack of moderation. Return to the center, and seek harmony within and around you.

Affirmation: “I blend the energies of my life with grace, finding harmony in every moment.”

XV. The Devil

The Shadow’s Embrace

The Devil stands at the edge of darkness, revealing the chains that bind you, whether they be fear, addiction, or materialism. He is not the cause of suffering, but the mirror that shows where you are enslaved by your own desires. This card invites you to face your shadow, to see where you may be giving away your power, and to break free from what limits your true potential. The Devil teaches that confronting your fears and releasing your attachments can lead to a deeper sense of freedom. Let his presence guide you to reclaim your power and rise from the ashes of your limitations.

Upright: Temptation, bondage, materialism, addiction, or self-limitation. Face your shadows, and break free from the chains that bind you.

Reversed: Liberation, breaking free, or overcoming temptation. Step into your power, and release yourself from what holds you back.

Affirmation: “I face my shadows with courage, and I break free from all that limits my soul.”

 XVI. The Tower

The Lightning of Awakening

The Tower stands tall, its crown shattered by a bolt of lightning, symbolizing sudden upheaval and the breaking down of illusions. It represents a moment of intense change, a necessary destruction that clears the way for new growth. This card reminds you that sometimes the structures you have built must crumble to reveal a deeper truth. The Tower is not about punishment, but liberation—freedom from outdated beliefs and stagnant situations. Though the fall may be difficult, trust that what rises from the ashes will be stronger, clearer, and more authentic. Let the lightning of awakening illuminate your path forward.

Upright: Sudden change, upheaval, revelation, destruction, and awakening. Embrace the chaos as a powerful force of transformation, and let the light of truth guide you.

Reversed: Resistance to change, fear of the unknown, or delayed transformation. Surrender to the shift, and trust that this moment of turmoil is clearing the way for something better.

Affirmation: “I embrace the transformative power of change, and I trust that new growth will emerge from the ashes.”

XVII. The Star

The Light of Hope

The Star shines as a beacon of hope and renewal, guiding you through the darkness with her radiant light. She pours her healing waters upon the earth, symbolizing the restoration of your spirit and the reconnection to your higher purpose. This card calls you to trust in the flow of life, to know that even after the storm, there is light to be found. The Star is a reminder to have faith in your dreams, to seek inspiration from within, and to follow the path illuminated by your heart’s deepest desires. Let the healing light of the Star guide you toward a future filled with possibility and peace.

Upright: Hope, inspiration, healing, renewal, and spiritual guidance. Trust in the beauty of your dreams, and let the light of your soul shine brightly.

Reversed: Doubt, loss of faith, discouragement, or feeling disconnected. Reconnect with your inner light, and remember that hope is always present, even in the darkest times.

Affirmation: “I trust in the healing light of the universe, and I let my heart’s hope guide my path.”

XVIII. The Moon

The Dance of Mystery

The Moon casts her silvery light upon the world, illuminating shadows and stirring the tides of the subconscious. She is the keeper of secrets and the weaver of dreams, inviting you to explore the deeper realms of intuition and emotion. This card asks you to embrace the mystery, to listen to the whispers of your inner world, and to navigate the realm of the unseen. The Moon reveals what is hidden, guiding you to face your fears and embrace your inner truths. Trust that within the dance of light and shadow, there is wisdom to be found, and allow the Moon to guide you toward greater self-understanding.

Upright: Intuition, illusion, mystery, subconscious, and emotional depth. Trust in the wisdom of your inner world, and let your intuition guide you through the darkness.

Reversed: Confusion, fear, deception, or hidden truths coming to light. Face your shadows with courage, and seek clarity amidst uncertainty.

Affirmation: “I embrace the mystery of my soul, and I trust the wisdom that lies within my intuition.”

XIX. The Sun

The Radiance of Joy

The Sun shines brightly, illuminating the world with its warmth and light. It is a symbol of clarity, vitality, and joy, bringing life to everything it touches. This card calls you to embrace the radiance within yourself, to celebrate the beauty of life, and to share your light with others. The Sun is a reminder that even after the longest night, the dawn will come, and with it, the promise of new beginnings. Let the light of the Sun fill your heart with optimism, and allow yourself to bask in the simple pleasures of the present moment.

Upright: Joy, success, vitality, optimism, and celebration. Embrace the light within, and share your happiness with the world around you.

Reversed: Temporary setbacks, lack of clarity, or feeling drained. Reconnect with your inner light, and trust that joy is always within reach.

Affirmation: “I shine my light brightly, embracing the joy and abundance of life.”

XX. Judgement

The Call to Awakening

Judgement resounds like a trumpet, calling you to rise and embrace your higher purpose. This card symbolizes a moment of reckoning, where past actions come to light, and you are invited to reflect upon your journey. It is a call to awaken, to release old patterns, and to step into a new phase of growth and spiritual evolution. Judgement teaches that transformation often requires forgiveness, both of yourself and others, and that true liberation comes from letting go of the burdens of the past. Answer the call, and allow yourself to be reborn.

Upright: Awakening, rebirth, reflection, forgiveness, and transformation. Embrace the call to higher consciousness, and let go of what no longer serves your path.

Reversed: Self-doubt, denial, fear of change, or holding onto the past. Release the old, and trust that a new beginning awaits you.

Affirmation: “I answer the call to my higher purpose, and I release the past to embrace my rebirth.”

XXI. The World

The Dance of Completion

The World stands at the pinnacle of the journey, a symbol of wholeness and fulfillment. She dances within the circle of life, embodying the harmony of all things coming together. This card marks the completion of a cycle, the achievement of a goal, and the realization of your true potential. It is a reminder that every journey, no matter how challenging, leads to growth and a deeper understanding of the self. The World invites you to celebrate your accomplishments, to honor the path you have walked, and to step forward with confidence into the next chapter.

Upright: Completion, fulfillment, achievement, wholeness, and new beginnings. Celebrate the beauty of your journey, and trust that you are ready to embrace the next phase.

Reversed: Incompletion, lack of closure, or delays in reaching a goal. Reflect on what is needed to bring your journey to completion, and take the necessary steps forward.

Affirmation: “I celebrate my growth, and I embrace the wholeness of my journey, knowing that I am always evolving.”


Enhancing Your Tarot Practice with "Lucid Dreams Beginners Tarot"

For those who want to deepen their understanding of tarot, our "Lucid Dreams Beginners Tarot" deck is an ideal choice. This deck features gold keywords and astrological, zodiac, and elemental symbols around the borders alongside it's comprehensive guidebook making it a perfect tool for starting or expanding your tarot knowledge.

Each card is designed to help you connect with the Major Arcana's archetypes, making your readings more insightful and your spiritual journey even more transformative.

The Major Arcana serves as a mirror to the soul’s journey, reflecting the cycles of growth, challenges, and awakening we all experience. Embrace these cards as tools for self-reflection and transformation, and let them guide you on the path to your highest potential.


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