Credit: Fondazione Monte Verita

Your Guide to the upcoming Astrological dates this month • Reading Time: 4-5 mins

Featuring: a full Moon in Capricorn, followed by a New Moon in Cancer -> the balancing act between fierce independence and Cancer's nurturing spirit, before our entry into Leo Season and the juicy reflection of a mid-year tarot spread!

We draw inspiration from the stars for you, bringing a soft conversation each month about what the cosmos may have aligned for you and the collective. If the concepts resonate, delve a little more into it; if our words bounce back and sound too etheral, let them go Beautiful Seeker (no offence to us!).

Our overview this month is inspired by exceptional sky-readers, primarily our very own Founder Britta and her channelled Celestial Journal, and by the divine Cafe Astrology.

Check-in Point: No 1

Shaking sticky stardust off our wings, a gentle nudge to reflect: how did you experience the Solstice Gates of Yule and Litha?
A beautiful prompt to invite you to pause, and observe the feeling of this mid-point in the Wheel fo the Year.

July 3, 2023: Full Moon in Capricorn { Buck Moon }

“Sometimes called the Thunder Moon, this Capricorn transit emphasizes the pull between seen and hidden, collective and individual, dependence and responsibility. This polarity highlights our beginning and end points, illuminated by the full moon. Capricorn leads us to ponder both where we've come from and where we're going. Thinking about the axis pinpointed during this lunar event, a full moon in Capricorn is a constant balancing act between Cancer's nurturing spirit and Capricorn's fierce independence. Embrace this mixture of warmth and steadiness.” extract from St Soleil Celestial Journal.

You may find yourself feeling doubtful and stern, unsure if you can trust your internal direction. You can, and you should. That uneasiness is just a desire to reach your center — to figure out what it is you really want. If you’ve been questioning your recent decisions, you may become more certain by what the universe seems to be sending your way. Your hunches have gotten you this far, so continue to follow it!

Query: How have I fulf illed the ambitious beat to my heart so far?

Full Moon Tarot Spread: join us on Instagram for a full guided tarot spread ->

July 17, 2023: New Moon in Cancer { Sturgeon Moon }

“The New Moon in Cancer is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Crab. These include honoring our deepest, most irrational and intimate, feelings; recognizing the sense of security and safety we derive from whatever it is we call home; allowing ourselves to accept support and offering support to others; and starting a project aimed at improving our domestic lives or a major long-term venture..” St Soleil Celestial Journal.

Because this New Moon is opposite Pluto, we should watch for overdoing and paranoid or fear-driven actions. We might face outside resistance or obstacles that propel our need to start fresh. This New Moon harmonizes with Neptune, and our inspiration supports our efforts to begin anew.

Query: What door has now been unlocked that will allow me to venture into new territories?

Lunar Energy and Invocation: explore sacred spaces for reflection and manifestation
in our divine Celestial Journal ->


July 20 , 2023: World Moon Day  

Would you travel to the Moon if you had the opportunity to... and which side would you visit, the bright or the dark?
Today commemorates the first earthling to step on the ruler of Earth's tides with the Apollo Mission.

July 21, 2023: Mars Opposition in Virgo, Saturn in Pisces


July 22, 2023: Entering Leo Season

“The sun’s return to its base sign, Leo, confirms that Summer (or Winter, for those in the southern hemisphere) is truly here. It brings an air of excitement, passions will be heightened and the smell of adventure is in the air..” St Soleil Celestial Journal.

Tarot Card:
in the Major Arcana • VIII • Strength: Zodiac: Leo / Element: Fire / Planet: Sun
in the Minor Arcana • the Wands Family: Zodiac: Leo / Element: Fire

July 22, 2023: Venus Retrogrades in Leo

When Venus is in retrograde, it’s time for us to pull back our focus onto what feels right for us — both on a physical, and emotional level. What do I value? What are my boundaries? What does beauty mean to me? What do I love and value? What do I love about myself?

A perfect time for a mid-year check-in point No 2: reflect on the first half of 2023, re-adjust and re-launch in perfect sync with your inner seasons...

July 30, 2023: Friendship Day

Quoting Shania Twain: “A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.” What an exquisite way to express friendship!

Firstly… are you a best friend to yourself? Remember we can only share a piece of ourselves from a full cup!

There are many ways to give, and many do not have to be material. Express your gratitude to one or several friends that are precious to the evolution of your Life in this incarnation, and honour how lucky you are that you have crossed paths!

Reflect in your Ritual Journal which qualities you admire within each of these magical beings that surround you, and maybe list one favourite adventure or memory you have with them!

Have a beautiful month of July,

Words by Laurie Foulon.

From the ripples of the moon, Laurie lives with the tides of this life in water-like motion. Ebbing and flowing, her Cancer Zodiac nature fills her with the rhythm of emotions, and she dances through their swaying branches to find inspiration guided by intuition.

Carer for the heart of humanity, our blue planet and its myriad of life forms, Laurie finds creativity in the everyday unfolding of events around us... and plays with weaving them into words that can be worn like precious pearl necklaces around our necks.

Born a woman in the South of France (an auspicious alignment with St Soleil), she has travelled inwards and outwards, throughout the world, and has for now anchored her roots in Australia. Her yin qualities embrace femininity, and she sure is one to "Live by the Sun, Dream by the Moon".



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