Credit: @frachella

Your Guide to the upcoming Astrological dates this month • Reading Time: 4-5 mins

Featuring: welcome back, eclipse season! • a gentle flow between Libra (New Moon), Taurus (Full Moon) and Scorpio (our sun transit) • practices for Mental Health • and through to Beltane and Samhain gates with witch/zard energy!

Our theme this month
*new!*  I am part of cosmic equanimity
Our beautiful bodies and mind are an element of the greater equilibrium of all forces. This month, let’s honour the ebbs and flows of our inner rhythm. You can use this as an intention, vibrational signature,...


October 10, 2023: World Mental Health Day

Opening the dialogue from within, gently pushing the gates to our inner worlds, entering the safe house of our emotional bodies. We bow to this innate human right to feel safe within our skins, sanctuaries and surroundings.
Interestingly, we will be supported by the movement in our cosmos this month, with some beautiful grounding energies!
Aligning and resonating with our deep sense of supporting community, letting ourselves be inspired, St Soleil has partnered with The Fold: an online platform to support women’s modern lives through slow, intentional movement, meditation and wisdom.

Discover the platform here; or, be on the lookout for our Giveaway via Instagram or our Newsletter! We will share journaling prompts, musings, slow movement practices throughout the first part of October.

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October 14, 2023: New Moon in Libra, Solar Eclipse

"Making plans for your future, focus on communication with others. You may just be starting to fathom interconnectedness in the world.Consider the bonds that you have with others. Are the connections ideal? Compromise is at the heart of peaceful coexistence.” from pg 15 of the St Soleil Celestial Journal.
The New Moon in the sign of Libra is a cardinal, action-oriented air sign. It is symbolized by the scales and ruled by the planet Venus and transporter of love, beauty, and values during Libra season. Now, it nudges us to ask if our needs for beauty, art, and justice are being met, inviting us to explore these parts of ourselves!
You might have a strong need for balance and harmony now. You probably desire to keep things nice rather than venturing into fundamental questions in order not to disturb the peace: perfect, the Solar Eclipse provides the auspicious ‘forced’ opportunity to reassess or re-evaluate your life, and provides a profound opportunity to leap into a new sphere of existence. Endorse the real skin of “you”!

Libra Tarot Card: Justice
New Moon Tarot Spread: join us on Instagram for a fully guided tarot spread ->


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October 23, 2023: Our Sun enters Scorpio

“The sun is leaving charming Libra to enter worrying Scorpio. This is what, over the next few weeks, will fill your life with passion and ambition, wise investments, heart-stopping encounters, concealed conflicts, dreams (or lies), and withdrawal, depending on how each sign will experience these influences. ” from pg 17 of the St Soleil Celestial Journal.

Stingy, yet protected and boundaries queen: under the banner of Mental Health Awareness campaign, this transit to Scorpio invites us to embody the balance that Libra called out to us.

Journaling Prompt: What is a worry that's been on my mind? Write down your worries and consider whether there are actionable steps you can take to address them.

Scorpio Tarot Card: Death
(for an interpretation of this misunderstood card, come here!) ->

Credit: CottonBro Studio

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October 28, 2023: Full Moon in Taurus (Hunters Moon), Lunar Eclipse

“Seeing success in relationships and finances. It's a period of fulfillment where you can reap some extra benefits. You may feel grounded and calm. In this blissful state, engage in life’s finer things. As the moon begins to wane, curb your spending.” from pg 15 of the St Soleil Celestial Journal.

Yes, sometimes the stars speak to us in such direct messages! Can you see how this Taurus full moon perfectly echoes the feeling of Libra’s New Moon two weeks ago? Interestingly, Libra and Taurus are both ruled by Venus, Goddess of beauty and fine things in life… Taurus also craves that coziness and security, so a full moon in this earthy sign causes us to want safety over adventure. Use this time to revel in the things you find calming and reassuring.

Taurus Tarot Card: The Hierophant
Full Moon Tarot Spread: join us on Instagram for a fully guided tarot spread ->

Images: St Soleil Lucid Dreams Tarot, Ed IV & Child of The Universe Oracle Deck


The energy of this Lunar Eclipse

Remember that Lunar Eclipses have Divine purpose and higher reasoning for their unique cosmic occurrences. They provide you with an energetic platform in which to help you evolve and advance in your spiritual development. When an Eclipse occurs, it's important you revere the powerful, dramatic energies that bring about the sudden opportunities, shifts and changes in your life. Any events that follow an eclipse, have an incredible amount of importance.

October 31, 2023: Witches' & Wizards New Year

Northern Hemisphere: Samhain
Samhain is a major Sabbat for the Witches and generally recognized as our most holy of days. It is a cross-quarter day, situated between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice. It celebrates the Witches' New Year and the end of the summer season. It marks the end of the Goddess’ reign and welcomes back the return of the Lord of the Underworld who will protect and guide us through the dark Winter months that are now moving across the land.
Samhain inaugurates Winter, is the final chance to dry herbs for winter storage, and a night when fairies supposedly afoot working mischief…
Read more about the cross-quarter festivals, including suggested rituals, herbs and altar symbols, in our blog post here.

Southern Hemisphere: Beltane
“Beltane marks the point where the Spring energy is fully realized in nature. The energy of this time isn’t only about physical fertility, but rather how we might sow seeds for many other kinds of things: creative projects, more positive relationships, finding ways of expressing ourselves, and more. Now is when the flowers fully bloom, nectar flows, and green has returned to our lands.” More, much more in our Celestial Journal.

Overall, Beltane embodies the feminine energy of our universe, honours the goddesses of fertility, creativity and contagious optimism. Maypole dance, sacred sexual rituals, circles, bon fires all wrapped in prayers, are only some of the traditions to be exploring around this date! 

{Tip: head over to Page 32 & 36 of your Celestial Journal for Ritual guidance!
ou will also find our special tarot spreads for these cosmic events on our Instagram account,
or subscribe to our Newsletter at the bottom of this page}


We draw inspiration from the stars for you, bringing a soft conversation each month about what the cosmos may have aligned for you and the collective. If the concepts resonate, delve a little more into it; if our words bounce back and sound too etheral, let them go Beautiful Seeker (no offence to us!). Our overview this month is inspired by exceptional sky-readers, primarily our very own Founder Britta and her channelled Celestial Journal, and by the divine Cafe Astrology.

Receive our Astrological Wisdom and Tarot Guidance in your inbox before the start of each month:

Words by Laurie Foulon.

From the ripples of the moon, Laurie lives with the tides of this life in water-like motion. Ebbing and flowing, her Cancer Zodiac nature fills her with the rhythm of emotions, and she dances through their swaying branches to find inspiration guided by intuition.

Carer for the heart of humanity, our blue planet and its myriad of life forms, Laurie finds creativity in the everyday unfolding of events around us... and plays with weaving them into words that can be worn like precious pearl necklaces around our necks.

Born a woman in the South of France (an auspicious alignment with St Soleil), she has travelled inwards and outwards, throughout the world, and has for now anchored her roots in Australia. Her yin qualities embrace femininity, and she sure is one to "Live by the Sun, Dream by the Moon".



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