I doubt they'll allow anything less than 5 stars on their site, but speaking as a tarot collector with over 100 decks, this deck leaves quite a lot to be desired - ESPECIALLY for the price. I've paid half as much for decks with far more style and substance.
A few specific complaints:
- While I love the color combo of mauve and gold, the foil effect and low contrast makes these cards extremely difficult to read except in bright light.
- The text and embellishments on each card are sloppy and blurry. Too bold a font printed too small, perhaps.
- The card backs are asymmetrical. I don't always mind this in a tarot deck, but considering that this deck claims to be "advanced", it complicates readings by telegraphing a reversal in advance.
Broadly, this deck is more style than substance, and even the style is mediocre at best. Perfect for anyone looking to drool some vacant content onto their Instagram feed, not so great for collectors.